Manage My Dining Reservations

The My Bookings screen is actually shared between all the Booking modules within the website. From here a member has access to all the Bookings and or Reservations they have upcoming. Depending on the type of Booking/Reservation, members will be able to complete an Update or Cancellation from the My Bookings Screen. When a member navigates to the My Booking tab from one of the modules or by clicking on their name in the top right corner and selecting my bookings in the drop down, they will be able to view all Bookings/Reservations by default. By adjusting the Booking Types filter, members will be able to select the module to view Bookings/Reservations.
The bookings will be listed chronologically with the booking coming up next listed at the top. Once the date has past the booking will no longer appear in My Bookings.

Booking Details information will always include the location, date, time and confirmation number. Additional information found would vary based on the booking module. Such as party size, player names, attendees and provider name.

If the event time has already taken place for the current date, then no changes can be made.

Each Booking/Reservation can be distinguished with the following icons:

  • Tennis ball - Court Booking
  • Fork and knife - Dining Reservation
  • Calendar - Event Registration
  • Calendar with check mark - Lessons or Appointments
  • Golf ball - Tee Time Booking
  • Trophy - Tournaments

Sync My Bookings to a Calendar

Utilizing the Sync button in the top right corner of the My Bookings screen, will allow members to synchronize all of their Bookings/Reservations to their personal Calendar. To synchronize with their personal calendars, they will need to follow these steps:

  1. Click SYNC
  2. Instructions will be emailed to the member on how to complete the steps

Cancel Booking 

Cancel Booking will be available for all modules. This allows the member to cancel the booking on their own without having to contact the club.
  • Click Cancel Booking beside the booking to be cancelled
  • Click Yes, Cancel to confirm the cancellation
  • Click No, Close  to close the window

Edit Booking 

Edit Booking will allow members to make changes to the reservation without having to contact someone at the club.
Modules that have Edit option
  • Courts
  • Events
  • Tee Times
Note:Dining and Lessons modules do not allow edits to be made from the website. Members can cancel the original booking and make a new one with the correct information using the website. Or contact the club to make the changes.
  1. Click Edit booking with the pencil icon beside the booking.
  2. The initial booking screen for the respective booking module will appear
  3. Options to edit may include:
    • modifying the number of people
    • changing answers to questions 
    • adding notes
  4. Click Update Booking/Complete to save changes
Confirmation number will remain the same and if email notifications are enabled, member will receive email confirmation.
Sample of what the edit screens will look like for Courts, Events and Tee Times respectively found below.

Edit Courts 


Edit Events


Edit Tee Times