Creating Roster Web-Only Custom Fields

Not all the fields appearing in the Roster are integrated with a club's A/R system. There are also fields that can be created online and utilized for the website only. These are referred to as Custom Fields in the roster and are fully editable as well.

Note: The fields created here should not be confused with the A/R Custom Fields which will also appear in the Additional Info area of a member's Roster Profile
To create a new Custom Field you will need to follow these steps,
  1. Enter the new Custom Field name within the text box
  2. Click on the Add Custom Field button and the Custom Field will now be displayed in the list.
  3. Click on the Save button to confirm the new field

Once a Custom Field has been created, members will be view and update this field when editing their Roster Profile. Every Custom Field created will appear under the Additional Info section of a member's Roster Profile. Due to these fields being created for online usage only, they will not require approval by a site Adminstrator prior to being updated. Further information on the Roster Approval settings can be found here.

Note: The Additional Info section may listed under a different label. This can be dictated under the General Configuration settings of the Roster