How to Schedule & Send a Campaign

After selecting recipients, the orange "Select Recipients" button found on the top right corner will change to an orange "Schedule & Send" button. Click this button to open a pop up window. 
To send the campaign immediately, select the radio button next to "Send one time" and next to Start sending, choose "Now" from the drop down menu. Click the Schedule & Send button on the bottom right corner of the window.

To send a campaign on a specific date & time, select the radio button next to "Send one time" and next to Start sending, choose "On this date and time" from the drop down menu. A text field will appear displaying the date and time with a calendar and clock icon.

Click the calendar icon and select the date in the calendar pop up. To set a time, click the clock icon and choose a time in the Time Picker pop up. Click Schedule & Send to save your changes.