Using the Content Editor

The Content Editor in Clubhouse Online provides you with functionality similar to the editor found in Microsoft Word. You can use the editor whenever you are entering content into any editable areas within your site such as Event Descriptions, BizForms or most specifically, editing page content.

The Content Editor will allow you to manipulate your content using the editor's toolbar. The toolbar is sectioned into the following categories:

  • Clipboard Tools
  • Font Tools
  • Paragraph Tools
  • Insert Tools
  • Formatting Tools
  • Editor Tools

Clipboard Tools

The Clipboard Tools of the Content Editor are comprised of the basic functions found in most word processing editors with a few additions. The following tools make up this section:

 Select All

The Select All tool allows you to select all the content within an editable area. 


The Cut tool allows you to copy and remove selected text or media from a content area. The information is stored in your system's clipboard until pasted into another editable area or application.


The Copy tool allows you to copy selected text or media from a content area. The information is stored in your system's clipboard until pasted into another editable area or application.


The Paste tool allows you to paste selected text or media into a content area. Using this tool will paste in content will all prior formatting intact including font styles. 

Note: In order to paste content in directly from your system's clipboard, please use the 'CTRL' + 'V' keys on your keyboard for the system paste command.

 Paste as Plain Text

The Paste as Plain Text tool allows you to paste selected text or media into a content area. Using this tool will paste in content without all prior formatting.

 Paste from Word

The Paste from Word tool allows you to paste selected text or media into a content are that was copied from Microsoft Word or alternate word processing applications. This tool will allow you to keep the formatting that was used in the alternate application.

Font Tools

The Font Tools located in the Content Editor toolbar will allow you to manipulate the text within a page to either emphasize or decorate your content. All of these tools are typical of any word processing application.


The Bold tool allows you to darken any text to emphasize a remark or content.

Ex. This is an example


The Italic tool allows you to alter any text by causing it to slant to the right in order to emphasize a remark or content.

Ex. This is an example


The Underline tool allows you to place a line underneath text in order to draw attention to its meaning. More often than not this is used for titles.

Ex. This is an example

  Strike Through

The Strike Through tool allow you to place a solid line through text in order to construe information that is no longer valid.

Ex. This is an example


The Subscript tool allows you to create text that is half the height of normal text and appears lower on the line of normal text.

Ex. This is an example


The Superscript tool allows your to create text that is half the height of normal text and appears above the line of normal text.

Ex. This is an example.

  Text Color

The Text Color tool will allow you to change the color of the text within a page. In order to utilize this tool, select the text you wish change the color for click on the text color button to choose a color.

Ex. This is an example
Note: If you would like to have the default Text Color changed for your site, please Contact Support to have your request facilitated.

  Text Background Color

The Text Background Color tool allows you add a background color to selected text within a page. In order to utilize this tool, select the text you wish to add the color to and click on the Text Background Color button to choose a color.

Ex. This is an example

Paragraph Tools

The Paragraph Tools will allow you to align your content within the margins of your page. These tools operate in the same fashion as a text editor.

  Numbered List

The Numbered List tool will allow you to create a list of items in ascending numbered order. In order to create a sub-set of items within a numbered list, simply press the tab key which will create a indented list beneath the current number of the list.

  1. Apples
  2. Oranges
    1. Mandarin Oranges

  Bulleted List

The Bulleted List tool will allow you to create a list of items in a bullet point form. In order to create a sub-set of items within an bulleted list, simply press the 'Tab' key on your keyboard which will create an indented list beneath the current bulleted item of your list.

  • Apples
  • Oranges
    • Mandarin Oranges

  Decrease Indent

The Decrease Indent tool will allow you to remove the indentation on a paragraph or list. Simply highlight the text you wish to remove the indent from click on the tool to remove.

  Increase Indent

The Increase Indent tool will allow you to add an indentation to a paragraph of a list. Simply highlight the text you wish to indent and click on the tool. For list items, adding an indent will move the item as a sub-set of the preceding item.

  Block Quote

The Block Quote tool will allow you to place emphasis on a specific block of text. The text will appears in a slight different font style and will be isolated from the rest of your content.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

  Create Div Container

The Div Container tool will allow you to create a section of content that has additional/alternate CSS styling applied to it. This will allow you apply special coding to a specific section of content without affecting the CSS styling of the entire page of content.

Note: Creating Div Containers is meant for more advanced HTML users. If you are not comfortable with working with HTML but would like to know more about the available features that can be implemented, please feel free to engage out Services teams to discuss further. Click here to learn more.

  Align Left

The Align Left tool is used to arrange text or images relative to the left indent of the page.

Ex. This is an example.

  Align Center

The Align Center tool is used to arrange text or images relative to the midpoint of a page.

Ex. This is an example.

  Align Right

The Align Right tool is used to arrange text or images relative to the right indent of the page.

Ex. This is an example.


The Justify tool is used to arrange text utilizing the top and bottom margins of a page. If needed spacing will be added between words to ensure alignment.

Insert Tools

The Insert Tools found in the Content Editor provide you with methods of inserting various forms of Media and other objects into your content pages.

  Insert/Edit Link

The Insert/Edit Link tool will allow you to create and insert Hyperlinks into your pages. Navigate to the How to Create Hyperlinks page for more information.

Ex. This is an example.

  Remove Link

The Remove Link tool will allow you remove the Hyperlink from Text and or an image.

  Insert Anchor

The Insert Anchor tool will allow you to create anchored points on a page which can be hyperlinked to. Navigate to the How to Create Hyperlinks page for more information.

  Insert Page Break

The Insert Page Break for Printing tool will allow you to dictate what content would be on a separate page when you are printing it out.

  Insert Image/Media

The Insert Image/Media tool will allow you to add images and or media to your site. Navigate to the Using Media in Content page for more information.

  Insert Table

The Insert Tables tool will allow you to add a table to your content for the purposes of organizing your content. Navigate to the Using Tables in Content page for more information.

Apples $1.79
Oranges $2.49
Grapes $3.99

  Insert Horizontal Line

The Insert Horizontal Line tool will allow you to add a dividing line to your content.


  Insert Special Characters

The Insert Special Characters tool will allow you to use a variety of unique characters within your content. Once you have accessed the tool, a Special Character window will pop open. Click here to see the Special Characters available.

  Insert Form

The Insert Form tool will allow you to insert a BizForm into your content. Navigate to the Using Forms within your Site for more information.

  Insert Youtube Video

The Insert YouTube Video tool will allow you to embed a YouTube hosted video in to your page content. Navigate to the Using Media in Content page for more information.

Formatting Tools

The Formatting Tools provided in the Content Editor, will allow you to alter the format of the text in your content. Pre-configured Heading Styles as well Font Types and sizes can be applied utilizing these tools.

Formatting Styles

A specific text style can be selected from the Style drop-down within the WYSIWYG editor.

Paragraph Format

There are different pre-formatted text options. Typically, one of our graphic designers has set your defaults with respect to font styles/sizes. Heading 1 is used for titles. Heading 2 is used for Subheadings and for most clubs, the website will default to a particular style of font for you.

Font Name

Here you can select your desired font. Please note you will only see “web safe” fonts. In the event that you copy over a font from a 3rd party site or program that is not web safe, the editor will accept it as long as you have that font on your computer, but if the end user and/or other administrators do not have that font, then you are at the mercy of the user's web browser to find a font to display.

Font Size

The Font Size tool allows increase or decrease the size of the text within your content. The font sizes are depicted as follows:

  • smaller
  • larger
  • xx-small
  • x-small
  • small
  • medium
  • large
  • x-large
  • xx-large

Editor Tools

The Editor Tools that are available within the Content Editor will allow you to alter how the editor functions or make changes to all of your content at once. 


The Source button allows you to toggle back and forth to HTML view and the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get editor).


The Undo tool allows you to revert any changes that were made to a page since the last time the page was saved.


The Redo tool allows you to execute the last content change(s) that were reverted using the Undo tool.


The Find tool allows you to locate specific text within a content page.


The Replace tool allows you to replace specific text with alternate text within a content page.

  Remove Format

The Remove Format tool allows you to remove unwanted formatting from your content. To remove formatting simply highlight your desired area and click the Erase formatting button. All rich text will be converted to plain text.


The Maximize tool allows you to expand an editable region of a content page to make it easier to edit your content.

  Show Blocks

The Show Blocks tool will allow you to see all of the content formatting that is currently in place on your page.